Stephen Chapman

Partner/Director, Bentleys Newcastle

Accounting & Business Advisory

Stephen Chapman is a Partner at Bentleys Newcastle.

Stephen specialises in taxation and strategic business advice. He has significant experience working with clients in a wide variety of industries and stages of the business life cycle.

Stephen has worked with businesses in industries such as retail, health, real estate, online business, engineering and consultancy as well as many other small to medium business sectors. Stephen also specialises in business structuring and analysing business performance against relevant performance markers and industry benchmarks.

Stephen’s major projects have included:

  • Sale of a real estate management business, analysing capital gains tax therefrom and providing strategies for its minimisation as well as strategies for the dissolution of the company.
  • Exchange examining accountant for a second tier Australian Stock Exchange – Providing monthly reports to the board on compliance for all exchange members.
  • Audit of a $60mill+ local charity employing over 750 people ensuring financial reporting compliance.
  • Preparation of a three-way forecast for various businesses to advise on the expected Cash Flow, Profit and Balance Sheet.

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