David Spurritt is a Tax Partner at Bentleys SA/NT.

David supports a diverse range of enterprises, and is a specialist in the manufacturing and property sectors.

David’s extensive experience in taxation consulting includes the provision of specialist taxation services to large, privately owned companies. He is a Fellow of the Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand and The Tax Institute.

While David has provided advice on all federal and state taxation legislation, he is recognised as a specialist in corporate income tax (including structuring, restructuring, liquidation and capital raising), SME issues (including Division 7A, small business corporate gains tax and research and development concessions), goods and services tax, payroll tax, and fringe benefits tax.

David’s extensive expertise enables the efficient resolution of often complex issues, providing peace of mind for our clients in the knowledge they are paying the minimum amount of tax necessary to meet their statutory obligations.

David was previously a partner with Deloitte and managing partner for PKF.

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