Gain a competitive advantage

Whether you’re an Australian business entering the international arena for the first time or you want to build on an existing global enterprise, you need an advisor with global experience and knowledge.

With Bentleys offices in Australia, New Zealand and China and with our strong international alliances with other professional services firms, a Bentleys international business advisor will have you covered in all the major global markets of North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific and Africa.

Our international business advisors can help you by:

  • Connecting you to investment opportunities
  • Creating the tools, such as investment opportunity profiles and information memorandums, to attract prospective investment partners
  • Assessing your business’s readiness for investors
  • Advising on business structuring options to attract the right investors
  • Guiding you in your pitch to prospective investors.

Global Talent Independent Visa Program

Our International team in Victoria can assist international executives with a visa pathway to Australia. The Global Talent Independent (GTI) Program is a prioritised visa aimed at attracting the best and brightest candidates at the top of their field to work and live in Australia permanently. You can find out more here.

Contact Us

Are you an overseas investor looking for opportunities in Australia or New Zealand? Our specialist investment advisors can help you by:

  • Providing local knowledge and expertise
  • Introducing you to Australian networks to identify investment opportunities
  • Providing access to industry
  • Providing advice on entity structuring and taxation rules
  • Providing financial modelling, forecasting, projections and valuations
  • Advising on the most tax effective outcomes for your investment
  • Advising on local compliance, governance and regulatory requirements.

With the combination of our global and local expertise you can rest assured that your Australian or overseas investment is appropriately structured and fully compliant.

For up-to-date local and international business advisory, contact a Bentleys office near you.

Resources and examples of our work

I like that Bentleys understands rural business. The staff are friendly and easy to contact. They sort out problems quickly and have a high level of knowledge.

Agribusiness Client Queensland

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‘Solutions Finder’ can help you find out more about the Bentleys services and experts who will deliver the results you’re looking for.